

In this month’s journal, we talk about Ultherapy, a non-invasive, collagen-boosting treatment that can firm, lift and tighten and is especially effective over the jawline, neck, brow and décolleté and under the chin.

Even if you’re hitting the gym regularly, taking to your yoga mat, getting a full eight hours, and watching what you eat and drink there may be areas that are resistant to your toning efforts. Your jawline and neck can be particularly stubborn. You may also be starting to notice that, as you age, despite a healthy lifestyle and skincare regime, you are losing skin elasticity. Ultherapy can be a great non-invasive treatment for refining, particularly stubborn areas.

Our bodies and skin are full of collagen, which is the protein that works within your skin to keep it firm and toned. As we age, collagen production slows, and the result is a loss of skin strength and elasticity. Ultherapy works by effectively jumpstarting your body’s own collagen production.

Ultherapy triggers the creation of new collagen by inducing thermal injury. Micro-focused ultrasound energy is delivered directly into specific layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The sound energy creates small zones of injury which, as they heal, stimulate collagen production, resulting in a firming, wrinkle-smoothing, and contouring effect.

Ultherapy treatment benefits from real-time visualisation. Your practitioner is able to see, identify and target collagen-building layers in your skin. This allows them to perform a more precise and highly personalised treatment. Ultherapy can be adapted to deliver superficial, medium, and deep penetration within the skin to the areas where it will be most beneficial.

Ultherapy is most often used to lift the skin along the lower cheeks and jawline and neck, under the chin, and over the brow. It can also be used over the body including the décolleté, abdomen and above knees. It is most effective for those with mild to moderate skin laxity.

What to expect during your Ultherapy treatment

At pre-treatment consultation, your skin will be assessed, and any concerns addressed. This will help determine if you are a candidate for Ultherapy.

Before your treatment, your skin will be cleansed and numbing cream applied. You may take pain-reducing or anti-inflammatory medication before the procedure begins; this will be discussed at your consultation.

The procedure takes around 45-90 minutes depending on the areas to be treated. Your practitioner will assess the depth of treatment best suited to your anatomy and concerns. 

Does Ultherapy hurt and is there much downtime?

You may notice a heating sensation and mild tingling during Ultherapy treatment. These usually subside soon after the procedure. Sometimes the treated skin areas can become flushed or red in the hours after the procedure. You may also notice short-term tingling, swelling, and tenderness. On rare occasions, there may be some bruising or numbness, but these typically go away within a few days of the procedure. Most people go straight back to their usual activities after their Ultherapy treatment. 

How long before I see the results of your Ultherapy treatment?

Most people should expect gradual results following Ultherapy, with improvements appearing within two to three months of your treatment. This is when the new collagen begins to lift and tighten the skin. Further improvements will be seen for up to six months after the treatment. 

How often should I have Ultherapy?

Most patients need only one treatment every 12 to 18 months. This however is based on the degree of skin laxity, the biological response to ultrasound energy and your own collagen-building process. Because the skin continues to age, future touch-up treatments can help you keep pace with your body’s natural ageing process.

If you are looking for a non-invasive treatment that harnesses the body’s own regenerative response to gradually lift and tighten, then Ultherapy could be just what you are looking for. 

Speak to your practitioner about developing a treatment plan tailored specifically to your needs.